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Maxwell Wish

Age: 6
Nickname: Max
Favorite Position: Running back

What does Self-Control mean to you?
It means that you are in control of your body.
How did you show Self-Control this week at home or school?
I was following the directions and listening and not talking when other people were talking.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
That it represents our football team.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
They would be really good!
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
I want to score touchdowns.
Any final thoughts for your fans?

Devin Archer

Age: 8
Nickname: Chubba Wubba
Favorite Position: Cornerback

What does Self-Control mean to you?
It means that I’m not a savage and that I don’t get mad really easily.
How did you show Self-Control this week at home or school?
I did have to clean up my toys.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
The guardian caps, football, and baseball.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
They’re not going to get hurt.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
That I always want to hit somebody but, in a self controlled way.
Any final thoughts for your fans?
Peace out!

Nathan Fontaine

Age: 10
Nickname: Matt
Favorite Position: Running back

What does Self-Control mean to you?
Not reacting when other players do stuff to you.
How did you show Self-Control this week at home or school?
At the football field I didn’t throw the ball at coach, I walked up to him and handed him the ball.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
Their football teams.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
That you won’t get bullied on the field and it doesn’t matter how good you are because you will always get better at practice.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
Following were the ball is and where are my positions.
Any final thoughts for your fans?
My coaches are very good at coaching and my mom is really good at teaching me self-control.

Dylan Anderson

Age: 12
Nickname: I don’t really have a nickname.
Favorite Position: Safety

What does Self-Control mean to you?
Being the one that can keep their cool in the heat of the moment. So let’s say we’re in a tough game, we’re losing or something like that, we are in a tough situation and you are the one to keep your cool and your team’s spirits up.
How did you show Self-Control this week at home or school?
Well you see, school and football can always be very stressful with homework and stuff like that but, I make sure that I’m not all that stressed out and I get all of my homework done, getting good grades so far and the testing too.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
The community. Everybody is really caring… most of the time. And the sports. Everybody is involved in some form of sport or involved in something throughout the community.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
It teaches you hard work and lots of discipline but, it is also extremely fun. You get to come out here and have fun with your friends but, at the same time you are learning good values and good lessons.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
What should I do and basically where should I go.
Any final thoughts for your fans?
Thank you!

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