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Audrey Glorioso

Age: 12
Nickname: Aud
Favorite Thing to do in Cheer: I love stunting mostly basing

What does Leadership mean to you?
That you set a goal, and help others to do the right thing to move forward. To create an inspiring vision, and motivate others to reach their goals.
How did you show Leadership this week at home or school?
I am always positive in every situation. I take responsibility in classes.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
I love having many close friends. I also love the interactions with sports.
What should other kids who haven't cheered yet know about Bethel Cheer?
We are a very loving team. We have our funny moments, and our serious times. We know how to have fun. The bonds created by cheer are very significant.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there cheering for the Wildcats?
I always am thinking positive. I love supporting our town. I love my cheer team most of all. I love hearing the crowd cheer for us and the boys on the field. It feels very good to know that they like what we are doing.
Any final thoughts for your fans?

Thank you Bethel Wildcats for a great year, and this cool opportunity.

Maxwell Wish

Age: 7
Nickname: Max
Favorite Position: Running back

What does Leadership mean to you?
When you’re doing something good to others or respecting them.
How did you show Leadership this week at home or school?
When someone got knocked down, I helped them back up.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
The food.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
They should listen and know how to be strong.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
In my mind, it’s like music. Music makes me feel better.
Any final thoughts for your fans?

Louis Dimeglio

Age: 7
Nickname: Lou
Favorite Position: Running back

What does Leadership mean to you?
How did you show Leadership this week at home or school?
By scoring a touchdown and making tackles.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
That we won.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about having fun.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
Any final thoughts for your fans?
No. No. No. No.

Brandon Rosado

Age: 10
Nickname: Chino
Favorite Position: Quarterback

What does Leadership mean to you?
To help the team out, encourage the team, and you don’t speak down to yourself.
How did you show Leadership this week at home or school?
I just listen.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
To have fun and don’t worry about winning all the time.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
To try and get a touchdown.
Any final thoughts for your fans?

Kyle Abrams

Age: 13
Nickname: I don’t have one
Favorite Position: Defensive end and linebacker

What does Leadership mean to you?
It means to set an example for other people, you always have good spirits, you help the team out, help other players, and you don’t give up.
How did you show Leadership this week at home or school?
I tried to keep up a good spirit and to help people out.
What is your favorite thing about Bethel?
My favorite thing about Bethel is how it’s a pretty small town. I like pretty small towns.
What should other kids who haven't played yet know about Bethel Football?
That it’s really fun, and we need more players.
What goes through your mind when you’re out there playing for the Wildcats?
That we need to do certain things, work hard, and even though it’s fun, you still have to do a lot of things.
Any final thoughts for your fans?

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